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> Интервью, Как правильно отвечать на вопросы прессы
сообщение 9.5.2007, 20:46 · Быстрая цитата
Сообщение #1

Иконка группы
Сообщений: 187

Команда: нет

Спасибо сказали: 19 раз(а)

Как-то мало уделялось внимание, на интервью, а зря. Этот элемент игры позволяет даже при поражениям удерживать мораль и уверенность на должном уровне. Поправить отношения с фанами и руководством. Поднять свой престиж у прессы.

Итак. Ответов три. 1 - сверху, 3 - снизу. Даю вопросы на английском, ибо переводов много разных.
Выбраны вопросы на которые есть "правильные" ответы, остальные не включены иначе будет очень много.

Do you think the next match going to be tough?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1; Fan popularity +1

Were you expecting an easy win at home?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1; Fan popularity +1

How do you think you'll fare in the next match?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1; Fan popularity +1

How bid a loss will the injury of your best striker be?
ответ 2: Worst striker currently in the team morale +2; Morale all players +1

Do you discuss his poor form with your keeper.
ответ 1: player morale +2

Do you fancy your chances against their top forwards?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1

Do you consider yourself a dirty team?
ответ 2: Fan popularity +1; Press Respect +1

Do you have a plan to deal with their heading ability?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1

How do you plan to deal with such a quick team?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1

Will it be difficult to face this strong defensive team?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1

How are you going to cope with facing such an attacking side?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1

How have you prepared for this game?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1

In the team tired after playing so many games recently?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1

How do you feel giving the young lad his debut?
ответ 1: player morale +5

Any thoughts going into the big derby match?
ответ 1: Fan popularity +3

Are you looking forward to playing such a weak team.
ответ 1: Team confidence +2

They're not your favourite team are they?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1

You'll start the game as the fitter of two teams?
ответ 1: Team confidence +2

How is your teams energy level?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1

How are the team feeling about the match today?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1

Will you make the most of your opponent's crisis?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1; Fan popularity +1

Does your opponent's recent great form worry you?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1; Fan popularity +1

Do you think you can exploit their recent loss?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1

Tell us about your new singing?
ответ 1: player morale +2

What do you think about the new signing?
ответ 1: player morale +2

How do you feelabout facing such a highly-regarded manager?
ответ 1: Fan popularity +1

What do you think about the cup match?
ответ 1: Fan popularity +2

Does another cup win every become 'just another cup'?
ответ 2: Fan popularity +1; Press Respect +1; Morale all players +3

You must be ecstatic you've won the Championship?
ответ 2: Fan popularity +1; Press Respect +1; Morale all players +3

How do you feel after losing the Cup Final?
ответ 3: Fan popularity +1

How do you feel after getting your prediction wrong?
ответ 1: Fan popularity +1; Press Respect +1

How did you react to your player getting sent-off?
ответ 3: player morale +2; Press Respect -1

What do you have to say about your sendings off?
ответ 3: player morale +2; Press Respect -1

What did you think about the other team's behavior?
ответ 3: Press Respect +1

What are you thoughts about their sendings off?
ответ 3: Press Respect +1

Your thoughts on the last minute goal?
ответ 1: Fan popularity +2; Press Respect -1
ответ 2: Press Respect +1

Would your agree you were lucky to get a draw?
ответ 3: Press Respect +1

Do you agree a draw was the fair result today?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1

You must be happy after such a cracking win?
ответ 1: Team confidence +2

Do you think your deserved to lose because of your dirty players?
ответ 1: Fan popularity +1

Were you pleased the game played a good spirit?
ответ 3: Fan popularity +1

You must be sickened that you player better but lost?
ответ 1: Fan popularity +1

It is satisfying to play badly but still win?
ответ 1: Fan popularity +2

Do you think penalties was a fair result?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1; Morale all players +2

How do you feel beating the holders?
ответ 2: Press Respect +1; Fan popularity +1

How much did the weather help you today?
ответы 1 и 2: Fan popularity +1

Was the snow to blame for your loss today?
ответ 2: Fan popularity +3; Press Respect +1

Our super-sub swung the game for us.
ответ 1: player morale +5; Fan popularity +2

You won despite a huge injure list? Are you pleased?
ответ 3: Injured players +2 morale

Losing and injuries - was this a bad day?
ответ 3: Injured players +2 morale

Are you disappointed to draw such a great game?
ответ 2: Press Respect +1; Fan popularity +1

You must be over moon to sneak such a game?
ответ 1: Team confidence +1; Fan popularity +4

Why couldn't you come back from the early goal?
ответ 1: Morale defenders +1

How important was it score an early goal?
ответ 1: Morale scorer first goal +5
ответ 2: Morale all players +1; Morale scorer first goal +3
ответ 3: Morale all players +2; Morale scorer first goal +1

Scored an early goal but lost.
ответ 1: Morale scorer first goal +3

Did your fitness give you the edge in the second half?
ответ 1: Morale all players +3; Press Respect +1

Why didn't PLAYER get a game?
ответ 1: player morale +2

Can you understand why the fans are angry today?
ответ 1: Fan popularity +1

How do you feel about having such good fans?
ответ 1: Fan popularity +3

How pleasing is it to be undefeated at home
ответ 1: Fan popularity +5

You must be happy tou're at the top and cruising?
ответ 1: Fan popularity +10; Press Respect +2

Your team look like a fit and foccused bunch?
ответ 1: Morale all players +2; Team confidence +1

What do you think about the quality of your team?
ответ 1: Morale all players +2; Team confidence +1; Fan popularity -2

Where do you think your team's weakness lie?
ответ 1: Morale all players +1; Team confidence +1; Fan popularity +2

How happy are you here?
ответ 1: Trust of the board +1 (10%)

How do you explain your team spirit?
отвут 2: Team confidence +1; Fan popularity +1

How do you feel about the great vibe around the team?
ответ 1: Morale all players +2

Иногда имеет смысл пожертвовать респектом прессы и поддержкой фанов, что бы поддержать игроков.
Есть только один вариант вопроса и ответа, позволяющий отсрочить а возможно избежать неминуемой отставки

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сообщение 2.6.2007, 11:57 · Быстрая цитата
Сообщение #16

Иконка группы
Сообщений: 187

Команда: нет

Спасибо сказали: 19 раз(а)

Цитата(-Yan- @ 26.5.2007, 16:17) *
Would your agree you were lucky to get a draw?
ответ 3: Press Respect +1 (при 3 ответе у меня пресса на 1 падает)

Are you disappointed to draw such a great game?
ответ 2: Press Respect +1; Fan popularity +1 (тоже самое, пресса падает)

Проверил. Ты что-то путаешь, либо у тебя какой-то глюк. На первый вопрос пресса "падает" при ответе 1, на второй при ответе три.
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